This is not love – detecting toxic relationships

You met, started dating, and you can’t figure out why you can’t stop arguing.  Not because you are Type A, opinionated and ego-strong, but because you it’s more fun to rile her up. Or he is cute and funny if you get him upset.

We keep breaking up then getting back together.  It’s so intense when we’re together, that I need to get away sometimes.  He leaves sometimes for several days without telling me where he’s going. 

I like her a lot but I can’t help but think that my real dream woman is somewhere out there and these “plain Jane” females will bore me senseless or get tired of waiting for me to get serious.  

He’s the real deal, he ain’t no punk, no mama’s boy.  Rough edges, yes but I know he can protect me.  He may not have credit or a long working history but he makes me feel like a dangerous girl. 

We’ve been together for a while, we will probably break up soon. He does well for himself, always has money for ball games and gambling but he just hasn’t done anything for me lately . . . 

These are examples, by no means exhaustive, of relationships that fail to meet needs of both partners or end up being exploitative on behalf of both.  I want to begin a series of discussions that will explore relationships that don’t make tangible sense.  How we get in them, suffer through them and hopefully either get out or find ways to diagnose their toxicity and create a healthy strategy.  




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