Thank you I am not waking up
in a tent
looking at the Penobscot
Thank you I am not at the border
in sweltering heat
wondering if they will ever find
my child
Thank you that I don’t have to place
both hands on the wheel
when a policeman stops me for a
broken tail light
Thank you I can work safely at
home on my computer
without risking my life on a
crowded bus
Thank you, my identity is not
an “illegal”
praying every night that
DACA will hold
Thank you I can afford
medical insurance
when for so many, rent
comes first
Thank you I don’t hear the
slamming of a prison door
that echoes retribution
instead of restoration
Thank you, my feet can walk beaches
and wooded trails
when so many suffocate in a
world of cement
Thank you that I am not on the
beach in Puerto Cabezas
sobbing for my house that
Iota swept away
Thank you for the presence of
God in all people
for we can not hope to save
Your creation alone
Robert Bach
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