A Letter to My Friend on His Loyalty to MAGA

Part II – Conclusion

My friend M and I have been debating over several years on how the left and right have fared, policies and personalities.  I have chosen to put my thoughts to ink in an effort to settle my ideas prior to the election. 

The additional quirk appears somewhat later as MAGA summons its “Jerry Falwell-esque” roots to Christian values, character and ideals while doing as much, if not more, acting-out, showing repugnant behavior and shaming other congressmembers.

It is so confusing that the MAGA crowd is primary in advocating for Christian ideas and concepts, but they have huge fault lines & fallacies in their reasoning.  Someone invented the concept that our founding fathers designed America to be a Christian nation.  This is not true.  European immigrants came to this country fleeing religious persecution.  This is the reason we have separation of church and state. 

Genuine Christians have no allegiance to anything but the Kingdom of God.  This cannot be said with more emphasis.  Genuine Christians are Kingdom Citizens, first and foremost, said to be strangers and sojourners on earth.  To advocate for a leader whose reform is based on fear-mongering, riotous behavior and righting wrongs by force is not Christ-like at all. ( There are many voices from both the right and left dismissing the scourge of so-called Christian Nationalism)

The fact that the former president appears a} ignorant of all of this and b} seeks to foster reform when the Administration he led was a house of horrors.  He is totally inept at management, his supposed forte.   Someone said “. . . if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

From <https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew%2015%3A14>

 The United States is at the precipice of the deepest pit experienced in its 400 year lifetime.






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