Category: Black Lives Matter movement
Breonna Taylor
On a warm, slightly overcast day in May, I traveled with one of my favorite cousins to the Speed Museum in Louisville, Kentucky. She lives across the country, so when I spend time with her I tend to be flippant and mischievous. The setting and demeanor of the museum would disallow my meandering. Both spacious…
Where Have all my Heroes Gone?
John McCain, American war hero who suffered for all of us who stood alone on the Senate floor to protect our health care John Lewis, soul of the House, beaten in the march to Selma asking us to stand up and do “good trouble” Martin Luther King, a prophetic voice in modern times fighting with…
Disappointed, Yes; Downcast, No!
Disappointed? The results of the election are not in. States are still counting ballots. The demonstrated disposition of the electorate is clear. The frustrations and anxiety of black and brown people around police brutality, race relations, and inequity across the country is insignificant. The sentiment that the economic turnaround can be achieved in the…
Special Juneteeth Edition
Special Juneteenth Edition Who are the heroes who paid all working to correct injustice in civil rights? Most of us don’t know enough about those who paid so much for freedoms we take for granted. We celebrate Juneteenth in 2020 with an active gaze toward those who spearheaded those efforts. For their tenacity and courage…
This is Not Going to Be Comfortable
One needs to have some historical perspective to understand that the “powers that be” have historically failed to respond to peaceful demonstration Many have alluded that the arrest of colluding officers should appease protesters of the George Floyd fatality case. The cliche that comes to mind is that of attaching a bandage to cancer. It has…
Rush to Judgment or Rush to Denial?
The recent shooting of 25 year-old Armand Arbery by a retired police officer and his son is being covered by the media and on social media. Mr. Arbery was shot as the former This writer has held back from writing about these murders since the Trayvon Martin shooting in an attempt to show discretion and let…
In Good Conscience
Illustration from I have intentionally stayed off the subject of politics as the race for the Presidency has gotten strange, lurid even. This divisive race is separating the entire nation notwithstanding the fact that there are several other divisive issues that have compounded the already muddy water. I don’t think that anyone can…